PlayRight New Year’s Drink – Monday 21/01/2019

21 January 2019 - 19:00

To start the new year off right, PlayRight is pleased to invite you to our New Year’s Drink 2019, which will take place on Monday 21st of January from 7PM at the Beursschouwburg in Brussels.

This is the ideal occasion to raise our glass to what we hope to be a positive year for performing artists.

Please confirm your presence (one or two persons) before Wednesday 16th via


  • TRAIN Brussels central station
  • METRO Line 1 or 5, stop ‘De Brouckère’ or stop ‘Sint-Katelijne/Saint-Cathérine’
  • TRAM 3 or 4  stop ‘Beurs/Bourse’
  • BUS 29, 66, 71 stop ‘De Brouckère’, BUS 86 stop BOURSE
  • Plan MIVB/STIB
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