The debate will be divided into two themes:
There are many different types of contracts and forms of invoicing for the realisation of a paid artistic performance. How do you know what to opt for as a performing artist? Are some types better than others? What is the role of intermediators? And what are the consequences for your income, your social rights and your right to the artist statute?
Although copyrights and neighbouring rights are considered movable income, there are many different opinions about and practices regarding the nature and treatment of these rights. What is the point of view of employers and clients, trade unions, public administration organs and performing artists on this matter? And what is done in case of disagreement?
Moderator: Ioan Kaes, Advisor PlayRight+
The debate will be held on 17 June 2019, starting from 17h30, at the Beursschouwburg (Silver room, 5th floor), Rue Auguste Orts 20-28, 1000 Brussels. Afterwards there will be a drink to which you are, of course, also warmly invited.
Thank you for confirming your presence via the link above, or by sending an e-mail to before 10 June 2019.
In case of any other question, please do not hesitate to contact us.