Distribution of 6.330.508,19€: PlayRight distributes the audiovisual rights for the years 2011/2012

July 4 2019

PlayRight has distributed the audiovisual rights for the works that were broadcast and exploited in Belgium in 2011 and 2012. This is the final distribution of rights for that period, and is preceded by the first distribution of rights that was carried out in November 2016. The amount of generated rights for 2011 is 3.264.356,64€, for 2012 3.066.151,55€. In total (2011+2012), PlayRight distributes 6.330.508,19€ of audiovisual rights.

A final distribution is the last distribution of rights for a certain period, and is therefore definitive. You or your representative still have/has a maximum of six months’ time after this payment to submit any complaint about this distribution.

First/final distribution: how does it work?

PlayRight distributes your rights in two phases: a first distribution and a final distribution. Between these two distributions, PlayRight sets a deadline by which you can declare the performances that may generate rights for the reference years 2011 and 2012 (December 31st, 2018).

After this deadline, PlayRight is able to perform the final distribution, linking your declared repertoire to our playlists.

To represent artists’ work as accurately as possible, PlayRight has expanded the range of channels that are taken into account, and focuses on those programmes with artistic performances.  A programme that is broadcast on a certain channel that that was not taken into account, can now still generate rights. The evolution of these parameters requires constant work to expand the list of channels whose programmes are takin into account for the calculation of the distribution of these reference years. De virtual cast, determined during the first distribution, allows PlayRight to make this scenario possible.

How are my rights for an audiovisual performance distributed?

To calculate your rights for audiovisual performances on Belgian territory, PlayRight relies on your repertoire and a couple of distribution parameters:

  • The playlists of the programmes intended for the Belgian public;
  • The audience shares of these programmes.

A global amount is allocated to every audiovisual work that appears in the playlists. The amount of rights is determined on the basis of the duration and audience shares, measured by the channel that distributes the work. The total amount allocated to a work is then divided amongst the performing artists who have participated in the work, depending on their role on that recording (A: lead role, B: Secondary role, C: Minor role).

Which channels are taken into account?

For this distribution, the Board of Directors has established the list of TV channels that are taken into account in the calculation, as well as the minimum audience shares that each audiovisual programme must have. This is in accordance with our General Regulations. These are the channels of which the programmes are eligible for the final distribution:


You can always find more information on your rights via your online portal (menu ‘RIGHTS’). In case of any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your account manager.

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