Tom Geels and Alice Borgers winners of the PlayRight+ Prices

September 17 2019 Audiovisual PlayRight+

The National Institute of Performing Arts and audiovisual techniques (INSAS) and the Institute of Broadcasting Arts (IAD) joined the initiative of the PlayRight+ prizes in 2018 by awarding a first[…]

Memorandum of the performing artist (2019-2024)

September 15 2019 Audiovisual International Music PlayRight PlayRight+

Les 15 recommandations de ce mémorandum reposent sur 3 défis importants en matière de culture, d’emploi, d’économie et d’internationalisation :

Not a member of ADAMI, but still payments

September 9 2019 Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

J’ai reçu un paiement de l’ADAMI, mais je ne suis affilié qu’à PlayRight. Est-ce possible ? C’est une question que nous recevons régulièrement chez PlayRight et la réponse est : oui, c’est possible.

Mélanie Isaac and Arty Leiso: winners off Franc’Off 2019

September 6 2019 Music PlayRight+

As a partner of the Franc’Off initiative, PlayRight met with the first two winners of the competition that took place this summer as part of the Francofolies de Spa festival.[…]

Who are the new PlayRight administrators?

September 4 2019 Audiovisual Music PlayRight

Les droits issus de la gestion collective représentent une part de plus en plus importante dans les revenus des artistes

Deadlines: declare your contributions by December 31, 2019

September 2 2019 Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

Vous avez donc jusqu’au 31 décembre 2019 pour déclarer :
Vos prestations audiovisuelles susceptibles d’avoir été diffusées, exploitées et/ou vendues en 2013,
Vos prestations musicales susceptibles d’avoir été diffusées, exploitées et/ou vendues en 2016.

United music of Brussels: musical walk in the capital

August 26 2019 Music PlayRight+

Photo (c) Caroline Lessire Musicians on the streets! For the fourth edition, the musicians of La Monnaie, the National Orchestra of Belgium and BOZAR will perform at the most characteristic places[…]

New distribution: 850.000€ of international rights for PlayRight members

August 8 2019 International PlayRight

For the second time this year, PlayRight has distributed international neighbouring rights for music and audiovisual recordings amongst her affiliated artists. The amount of this second international distribution of 2019[…]

Distribution of 6.330.508,19€: PlayRight distributes the audiovisual rights for the years 2011/2012

July 4 2019 Audiovisual

PlayRight has distributed the audiovisual rights for the works that were broadcast and exploited in Belgium in 2011 and 2012. This is the final distribution of rights for that period,[…]


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