Declare your repertoire before the 31st of December 2017

October 19 2017

In preparation for the 2018 distributions, affiliated artists must declare their repertoire before the 31st of December.

Basic principles

Rights are always distributed, for one or several reference years, in two stages: a first distribution and a final distribution, aiming to distribute the collected rights for a specific period. The duration between both distributions allows affiliated artistes to declare their repertoire for the recordings that may generate rights, but it also allows the organisations in charge to collect all the remunerations behind your neighbouring rights. Such a duration may also explain a difference of amounts between a first and a final distribution.

DEADLINE: 31/12/2017

In 2018, PlayRight will make a final distribution of music rights for the reference year 2014. This calculation will be based only on declarations made up to the 31st of December 2017.  Any declarations made after this date will not be taken into account, meaning that they will not generate rights for this reference year. Therefore, make sure your repertoire is up-to-date!

 “Participation to declare”? Once logged in your online portal, you might notice in the left column the indications of participation to declare. Please note that the deadline is also applicable to those contributions. As long as you have not declared them, they can’t be taken into account and will not generate rights.

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