The General Assembly 2024: an overview

June 20 2024

On Monday 17 June, PlayRight organised its annual General Assembly at the Beursschouwburg. All shareholders were invited to attend, to read the 2023 annual report, and to vote for the new directors. This is our overview of the event.   

Three sessions were organised for this General Assembly: the Particular General Assembly for the Dramatic arts and Dance group; the Particular General Assembly for Music group; the Ordinary General Assembly for all groups.  

At the Particular General Assemblies, the members present had the opportunity to vote for the new directors. This year, there were 4 mandates to fill: four-year terms in both languages for the Music group and the Dramatic arts and Dance group respectively.  

PlayRight’s management team then presented the annual report and accounts during the Ordinary General Assembly. The Auditor also presented his report during this meeting, and the  annual accounts were approved. Two proposals concerning the reserves were approved as well: firstly, the Board of Directors decided to allocate financial income to a reserve for material errors. Secondly, a new reserve was created for withholding tax. Lastly, the directors elected at the Particular General Assemblies were also appointed during the General Assembly. 

Key figures from the annual report   

PlayRight collected €28.3 million of neighbouring rights in 2023, marking an increase of 7.1% from the rights collected in 2022. These rights came from multiple sources: equitable remuneration for music; private copying; lending rights; cable retransmission rights; rights collected abroad; annual supplementary remuneration, and remuneration for teaching and scientific research. 

€19 million was distributed to our members in 2023. This represents an increase of 22.6% compared to 2022, but it remains in line with the distributions made in 2021 (€19.7 million). In addition, an important milestone was reached with the first distribution of cable retransmission rights for the reference years 2015-2022. 

New directors   

This year, there were four mandates available on our Board of Directors. 

In the Music group, both Michael Schack and Fabian Hidalgo were re-elected as  the Dutch and French-speaking directors respectively, as they prepare to serve their second 4-year term on the Board.  

In the Dramatic art and Dance group, Sebastián Moradiellos was re-elected as a French-speaking director for another term. Our Board of Directors has been further enriched by the addition of a new Dutch-speaking director: Sura Dohnke.   

Congratulations to the new members of the PlayRight Board of Directors, and we look forward to continuing our work with them in the future! 

From left to right: Michael Schack, Fabian Hidalgo, Sebastiàn Moradiellos, Sura Dohnke
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