Playlist 2019 now online: declare your music recordings as soon as possible

May 7 2020 Music PlayRight

PlayRight has just released the playlist for the reference year 2019. So time to declare your music recordings via your online portal! Every year we ask our affiliated artists to[…]

2020 Deadlines: declare your contributions now!

April 30 2020 Audiovisual Music PlayRight

Each year, PlayRight draws a calendar of the distribution of rights that will be paid to its member artists.  In order for PlayRight to identify your repertoire and calculate your[…]

Music 2016: Final distribution of rights mounts up to 6.7 million €

April 29 2020 Music PlayRight

PlayRight has just carried out the final distribution of rights coming from music recordings that were broadcast and exploited in Belgium in 2016. This final distribution, which took place earlier[…]

Your tax form 2019 is online

April 23 2020 PlayRight

The annual tax declarations are coming up and you will need your tax form 281.45 for the taxation year 2020 (incomes of 2019). PlayRight has just made this form available[…]

Music 2016: advanced payment of your rights

April 21 2020 Music PlayRight

Our performing artists have been severely impacted by the cancellation of their artistic activities during the pandemic. The PlayRight team has, therefore, done everything in its power to adapt the[…]

A PlayRight+ emergency fund for performers

April 9 2020 Audiovisual Music PlayRight PlayRight+

PlayRight has taken action and created an emergency fund for performers who are facing significant financial pressure as we battle the Coronavirus. The purpose of this fund is to partially[…]

Call for applications: Join the PlayRight Board

April 6 2020 Audiovisual Music PlayRight

The Board of Directors is the decision-making body of our management company which defines, among other things, the strategy of PlayRight. As such, the Board of Directors plays an essential[…]

#PlayLocal: support Belgian artists

March 26 2020 Music PlayRight

In these times when social contact is reduced and social distancing has become the new rule, Belgian artists may need encouragement. By canceling concerts and festivals, delaying releases, no longer[…]

Emergency fund for performers

March 16 2020 Audiovisual Music PlayRight+

As part of PlayRight+’s social actions, PlayRight created a system of aid for the loss of income of its members due to the health crisis. The emergency fund was established[…]

COVID-19 – Preventive measures

March 13 2020 PlayRight

Given the latest official news and as a precaution, all PlayRight staff have taken all the necessary measures and will work mostly from home. We remain active and are available[…]


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