

February 17 2022 - Audiovisual PlayRight+

Were any of your activities cancelled in February 2022? Submit your application and benefit from the PlayRight+ emergency fund RIGHT NOW! Following the return to sanitary measures, many artists are[…]

PlayRight+ has drawn up a short survey

February 8 2022 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight PlayRight+

The purpose of this questionnaire is to better understand your needs and expectations regarding PlayRight+, its operations and its actions. Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions!

An overview of the 2021 PlayRight+ projects

January 31 2022 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight PlayRight+

One of PlayRight+’s missions is to provide financial support to projects that add value to the community of performing artists. And that was also the case in 2021, despite a[…]

REMINDER – Federal compensation: lump sum compensation of 150€

January 24 2022 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

PlayRight has received, on behalf of the performing artists, a compensation from the federal government for the loss of revenues from neighbouring rights in 2020 and 2021 due to the[…]

Hello 2022✨

January 13 2022 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight PlayRight+

Many of us would probably prefer to forget about 2021 as soon as possible. The long-awaited return to a “normal life” did not happen and there is still a lot[…]

#18000EnEspagne / #fairpayvoorartiesten: sign the petition

January 12 2022 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

Last October, PlayRight launched the campaign #18000EnEspagne or #Fairpayvoorartiesten. The objective: to ask the federal government to better protect the rights of performing artists for the digital dissemination of their[…]

Federal compensation: first payment of €977.455 for actors and musicians

December 16 2021 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight

At the request of Economy Minister Pierre-Yves Dermagne, the Federal Parliament approved in July a law providing for compensation for authors, composers and performers for the loss of income from[…]

#18000EnEspagne / #fairpayvoorartiesten: sign the petition

December 15 2021 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight

Last October, PlayRight launched the campaign #18000EnEspagne or #Fairpayvoorartiesten. The objective: to ask the federal government to better protect the rights of performing artists for the digital dissemination of their[…]

Maaike Cafmeyer: “Artists are the breath of this country”

December 13 2021 - Audiovisual PlayRight

It’s impossible to imagine her offscreen in Flanders. She made her big breakthrough on TV via her personages in Het geslacht De Pauw and Aspe. Meanwhile, Maaike Cafmeyer has become[…]

The emergency fund has been relaunched: submit your request now

November 24 2021 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight+

Following the announcement of a return to stricter sanitary measures, many artists are once again experiencing the cancellation of events, concerts, filming and other job opportunities. PlayRight has, therefore, decided[…]


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