How satisfied are you with PlayRight? Participate in our satisfaction survey!

June 1 2021

Our artists are of primordial importance to PlayRight. As the collecting society responsible for collecting, managing and distributing the neighbouring rights of performing artists in Belgium, we strive to provide an optimal service to our members and want them to be as satisfied as possible. Hence, we are very curious about what you think of us. How satisfied are you with PlayRight? Participate in the survey!

As the collecting society representing the interests of musicians, actors, dancers and circus and vaudeville artists, we currently have over 17,000 affiliated artists in Belgium and abroad. Time to check on the satisfaction level of our members!

As an affiliated artist, your experiences with our services and your opinion about us are of great importance. That is also the reason why we are contacting you, as part of our satisfaction survey. The survey is non-binding and entirely anonymous. Its purpose is to improve our services and the tools that we put at your disposal, while investing our time in projects that best meet your expectations and requirements.

The survey will only take a few minutes of your time, but your responses will be of great help for us! This way, we will be able to further improve our services. We thank you in advance for your participation and invite you to contact us at would you have any questions concerning this survey.

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