The term ‘performing artists’ is a very large umbrella, it does not stop at session musicians or screen actors. Who are the members of PlayRight? Johan Hoogewijs is as a[…]
Each year, PlayRight sets a deadline to declare your repertoire and allow us to identify your performances both on Belgian playlists and abroad. The collection, management and distribution of your[…]
Today PlayRight has distributed international neighbouring rights for music and audiovisual recordings among its affiliated artists. What are international rights? Any artists who affiliates himself with PlayRight, has the option[…]
PlayRight hast just uploaded the PlayList for reference year 2017 to your portal. In order to calculate your rights in Belgium for music recordings, PlayRight uses two distribution parameters; playlists of Belgian[…]
PlayRight has just distributed all neighbouring rights for music recordings that were broadcast in Belgium in 2014. This distribution represents a total amount of 7.2 MILLION EUROS and permanently closes[…]
The annual tax declarations are coming up and you will need your tax form 281.45 for the taxation year 2018 (incomes 2017). PlayRight has just made this form available for[…]
Today PlayRight has distributed international neighbouring rights for music and audiovisual recordings among its affiliated artists. The corresponding amounts will be transferred to their accounts over the coming five business[…]
2018 deadlines: there are three references years for which you’ll have to declare your works before the 31th of December 2018: Audiovisual: declare your recordings for the references years 2011[…]
The PlayRight team wishes you happy Holidays. Please also mark the following date in your agenda for our New Year’s drink: Monday, January 22nd 2018 (a save the date will be[…]
PlayRight has distributed more than 2.9 million euros of rights for audiovisual recordings broadcast in Belgium. This is a final distribution for the recordings broadcast in 2010, and first distribution[…]