
Emergency fund for performers

March 16 2020 Audiovisual Music PlayRight+

As part of PlayRight+’s social actions, PlayRight created a system of aid for the loss of income of its members due to the health crisis. The emergency fund was established[…]

COVID-19 – Preventive measures

March 13 2020 PlayRight

Given the latest official news and as a precaution, all PlayRight staff have taken all the necessary measures and will work mostly from home. We remain active and are available[…]

Adil El Arbi & Bilall Fallah about their Hollywood debut as directors!

March 3 2020 Audiovisual International

With a kick-start and golden opening weekend of a hundred million dollars they were launched in Hollywood. Blockbuster Bad Boys for Life by the Belgian directors duo Adil El Arbi[…]

The Copyright Directive: the implementation process has started

March 2 2020 Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

About a year ago we reported that Europe had finally approved the fiercely fought Copyright directive. Member States have until the 7th of June 2021 to transpose this directive into[…]

Programming: how do I declare my performances?

February 28 2020 Music PlayRight

When you declare your repertoire as a musician through the online portal, PlayRight asks you to answer a series of mandatory questions. This information allows the society to collect and[…]

Why you, too, should become a PlayRight associate (and how to)

February 25 2020 PlayRight

Would you like to play an active role within your collecting society and help decide on your rights and revenues? As a PlayRight associate you can! We concisely list all[…]

First distribution of international rights: 1.2 million € for PlayRight members

February 25 2020 Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

PlayRight carried out the first distribution of neighbouring rights for music and audiovisual recordings today. We distributed no less than 1.2 million euros amongst our affiliated artists! Background information: what[…]

No declaration = no rights…

February 20 2020 Audiovisual Music PlayRight

As artist, you have been a member of PlayRight and we thank you for entrusting us with the management of your repertoire and your neighbouring rights. Whether you are a[…]

Workshops & drink, and afterwards?

January 27 2020 Audiovisual Music PlayRight

For all the photos of the event, click here. The entire PlayRight team would like to thank everyone who participated in the masterclass and workshop at the Brussels’ Beursschouwburg on[…]

Distribution of neighbouring rights: a new record in 2019

January 21 2020 Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

In 2019, PlayRight distributed more than 27 million euros of neighbouring  rights. By collecting an average of almost 20 million euros annually, the society has distributed more rights than we[…]


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