Today – December 9th 2015 – the European Commission announced its plans to modernize the European rules on copyright and neighbouring rights and to adapt them to the European Digital[…]
Last week, PlayRight finalized the calculation of neighbouring rights for musical recordings for a number of reference years: For the reference year 2014: This was the first distribution for both[…]
December 31st is the deadline to declare musical recordings broadcasted in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Please take into account that the office of PlayRight will be closed as from December[…]
PlayRight members were informed of the value of their rights of musical recordings played out during the years 2007 – 2009 via email (and in more detail via our users’[…]
PlayRight distributed around 30 million euros of neighboring rights to artists in 2014 (both nationally and internationally); we anticipate equally significant distributions for 2015. PlayRight distribution calendar 2015 May 2015[…]