
Music 2015: first distribution of 2.4 million euros of neighbouring rights

November 25 2016 Music PlayRight

PlayRight has just calculated the first distribution of neighbouring rights for music recordings for the reference year 2015. Specifically, this is the first distribution of equitable remuneration and lending rights[…]

Adami & Spedidam : two in one?

October 20 2016 Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

Adami and Spedidam are the two collective management organisations that are appointed by the French governement to collect and distribute neighbouring rights in and outside of France.   Adami and[…]

Professor Roger Blanpain deceased

October 12 2016 PlayRight

Yesterday, October 11th , professor emeritus Roger Blanpain has deceased. Next to being an absolute authority in the field of labor law, Professor Blanpain also was the Chairman of the[…]

Deadline for your declarations: 12/31/2016

September 20 2016 Audiovisual Music PlayRight

Two final distributions in 2017 ! Next year, PlayRight will make two final distributions of neighbouring rights for: Musical recordings broadcast in 2013 Audiovisual recordings broadcast in 2010 In concrete terms?[…]

Johan Bex will be the new convener of the RAWG (Rights Administration Working Group) of SCAPR in 2017

September 15 2016 International PlayRight

SCAPR is the international organisation that groups management companies of performing artists’ neighbouring rights. Its mission is, among others to agree on standards and best practices for the affiliated societies[…]

Support, advice, defending artists interests: what is PlayRight+?

July 27 2016 PlayRight+

Created by artists, for artists: PlayRight’s mission is to collect, manage and distribute neighbouring rights to performers- but not only. PlayRight+, one of the departments of PlayRight, was created two years[…]

A PlayRight prize for students

July 6 2016 Audiovisual Music PlayRight+

Made by artists, for artists: PlayRight+ believes in the future generation of actors and musicians.  We recently made visits to both the Ghent Conservatory and  PXL Music (Hasselt), where prizes were[…]


June 30 2016 Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

In order to allow us to claim and collect our members’ rights in foreign territories: PlayRight has in place “bilateral agreements” with collecting societies in numerous countries. You can find[…]

Become a shareholder and participate in the General Assembly of PlayRight on on June 20th, 2016

March 10 2016 PlayRight

The General Assembly of PlayRight will be held on June 20th, 2016 at 14h at the Beursschouwburg in Brussels. Should you want to play a more active role in the[…]

Een toast op 2016: dinsdag 12 januari!

January 2 2016 PlayRight

PlayRight wenst iedereen een voorspoedig 2016!  Kom samen met ons het glas heffen op het nieuwe jaar op dinsdag 12 januari  in het Beurskafee in Brussel vanaf 18u30. Laat weten[…]


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