PlayRight has just calculated the first distribution of neighbouring rights for music recordings for the reference year 2015. Specifically, this is the first distribution of equitable remuneration and lending rights[…]
Adami and Spedidam are the two collective management organisations that are appointed by the French governement to collect and distribute neighbouring rights in and outside of France. Adami and[…]
Yesterday, October 11th , professor emeritus Roger Blanpain has deceased. Next to being an absolute authority in the field of labor law, Professor Blanpain also was the Chairman of the[…]
Two final distributions in 2017 ! Next year, PlayRight will make two final distributions of neighbouring rights for: Musical recordings broadcast in 2013 Audiovisual recordings broadcast in 2010 In concrete terms?[…]
SCAPR is the international organisation that groups management companies of performing artists’ neighbouring rights. Its mission is, among others to agree on standards and best practices for the affiliated societies[…]
Created by artists, for artists: PlayRight’s mission is to collect, manage and distribute neighbouring rights to performers- but not only. PlayRight+, one of the departments of PlayRight, was created two years[…]
Made by artists, for artists: PlayRight+ believes in the future generation of actors and musicians. We recently made visits to both the Ghent Conservatory and PXL Music (Hasselt), where prizes were[…]
In order to allow us to claim and collect our members’ rights in foreign territories: PlayRight has in place “bilateral agreements” with collecting societies in numerous countries. You can find[…]
The General Assembly of PlayRight will be held on June 20th, 2016 at 14h at the Beursschouwburg in Brussels. Should you want to play a more active role in the[…]
PlayRight wenst iedereen een voorspoedig 2016! Kom samen met ons het glas heffen op het nieuwe jaar op dinsdag 12 januari in het Beurskafee in Brussel vanaf 18u30. Laat weten[…]