In the context of Working in the Arts, the federal government has undertaken a series of reforms aimed at improving the socio-economic situation of arts workers. This initiative is an[…]
PlayRight has just completed the first distribution of audiovisual rights for the 2022 reference year! The total amount involved is 362.805,86 € of neighbouring rights coming from private copying, lending[…]
Picture: Francis Vanhee From 12 to 14 September 2024 Gent will be the host city of the European Jazz Conference. This prestigious event is the largest annual gathering of professionals[…]
PlayRight has distributed neighbouring rights coming from cable rights for the first time. The amount involved is €1,028,092.42 for the reference years 2015-2022. This distribution is not only a financial[…]
A new colleague is joining PlayRight. Olivia Isbendjian is joining the team as a French-speaking member of staff in the Communications and Cultural Affairs (PlayRight+) department! Echte Brusseleir and passionate[…]
FACIR is celebrating its tenth anniversary, and is joining forces with La Tricoterie in Saint-Gilles for an evening of celebrations, reviews and concerts! PlayRight shares their desires and ambitions for[…]
On 5 and 6 September, PlayRight hosted a summit in Ghent in cooperation with SCAPR and AEPO-ARTIS. On the programme: the collective management of actors’ rights. 17 international collective management[…]
On June 28 and 29, PlayRight together with Sabam organized a seminar on the fiscal reform of authors’ and neighbouring rights. You can find the video recording of that seminar[…]
This summer, PlayRight was officially recognized as an arts federation! We can now nominate candidates for the future Arts Committee, but more importantly, we are strengthening our position in the[…]
PlayRight distributed 466,533.35€ today to our affiliate members for music and audiovisual recordings exploited abroad. What are international rights? An artist who joins PlayRight can give us a global mandate.[…]