Not one but two European directives!

April 1 2019 Audiovisual Music PlayRight+

It was a busy week for Europe. Not only was the highly anticipated Copyright Directive approved, also the planned adjustments to the Satellite and cable directive were accepted. We briefly explain what changed for[…]

The Copyright Directive: one more step to go

March 11 2019 Audiovisual Music PlayRight+

With only the approval of Parliament to go, the long-fought Copyright Directive seems to reach its end point. Although this directive will not cause a landslide, with its article minus[…]

“La belge collection”, by Laura Petrone & Guillaume Kerbusch

March 11 2019 Audiovisual PlayRight+

PlayRight+ provides financial support to organizations, initiatives and / or projects that put the interest of performers first. In the framework of these calls for projects, we met Laura Petrone[…]

Industry award ‘Best Musician’ for David Poltrock & David Numwami

March 8 2019 Music PlayRight PlayRight+

The Music Industry Awards  (MIAs) and the D6bels Music Awards (DMA) are the most important music prizes that are awarded annually in Belgium. Anyone who gets to take an award[…]

Diana Pavlidi, Tijmen Govaerts & Yasmine Norton winners of PlayRight+ prizes at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp

February 26 2019 Audiovisual Music PlayRight+

It’s on again: the first PlayRight+ prizes of 2019 are distributed! And the first award ceremony was a special one right away, because for the first time we worked together[…]

PlayRight distributes over 800.000€ of international neighbouring rights

February 12 2019 Audiovisual International Music

PlayRight distributed international neighbouring rights for music and audiovisual recordings among its affiliated artists. The amount of this first international distribution of 2019 is 800.000€. Background information: what are international[…]

Becoming a PlayRight shareholder in 5 steps (and the advantages for you)

February 6 2019 Audiovisual Music PlayRight

Being a PlayRight shareholder. What does that mean exactly and, most of all, what’s in it for you? We straightened it out for you. Becoming a shareholder of PlayRight is[…]

This was the PlayRight New Year’s Drink 2019

January 22 2019 Audiovisual Music PlayRight

On Monday 21 January 2019, PlayRight organised its annual New Year’s Drink. The ideal moment to toast, the PlayRight team together with its members and associates, to an expected successful[…]

Amount record of foreign rights in 2018

January 8 2019 Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

With €1,185,780.57 on the counter, PlayRight has collected a record amount of neighbouring rights abroad in 2018. For the management of foreign rights of performers, PlayRight has concluded bilateral agreements[…]

🎄 The PlayRight team wishes you happy holidays 🎄

December 19 2018 PlayRight

The PlayRight team wishes you happy Holidays. To start this new year the best way possible, please mark the following date/hour of our New Year’s drink in your agenda: Monday,[…]


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