PlayRight has distributed neighbouring rights coming from cable rights for the first time. The amount involved is €1,028,092.42 for the reference years 2015-2022. This distribution is not only a financial[…]
On 5 and 6 September, PlayRight hosted a summit in Ghent in cooperation with SCAPR and AEPO-ARTIS. On the programme: the collective management of actors’ rights. 17 international collective management[…]
PlayRight distributed 466,533.35€ today to our affiliate members for music and audiovisual recordings exploited abroad. What are international rights? An artist who joins PlayRight can give us a global mandate.[…]
Can you spot yourself in the pictures of our General Assembly?
PlayRight has just closed the distribution of audiovisual rights for the 2017-2018 reference years! The total amount involved is 3,685,499.65 € of neighbouring rights.
On Wednesday 28 June and Thursday 29 June, PlayRight and Sabam are organising a seminar on the tax reform of authors’ and neighbouring rights. That way you will be up[…]
The first round of support applications from PlayRight+ to music or audiovisual projects for 2023 is already completed! 18 projects received a combined support of €104,475. Until 31 March, organisers[…]
Our General Assembly will be held at 14:00 on Monday June 19 2023, at the Beursschouwburg in Brussels. Registration for the GA will open on Tuesday 30 May.
If you can’t come to PlayRight, PlayRight will come to you! In order to inform people about neighboring rights, PlayRight will set up in 9 Belgian cities from May to[…]
The annual tax declarations are coming up and you will need your tax form 281.45 for the taxation year 2023 (incomes of 2022). PlayRight has just made this form available for you in your online portal.