

April 27 2023 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight

This is the first year that PlayRight has released its playlist for both Music and Audiovisual. The 2022 reference year has made possible what has never been possible before. For the first time, you can declare both your musical works and your audiovisual performances (dubbing/music in audiovisual) at the same time.

New substantial reform for the artist’s “status”

April 27 2023 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight

With the publication on March 13, 2023 of a first Royal Decree of execution, we know more about the first practical applications of the “new” statute of the arts workers, applicable among others to the interpreting artists. Here is a quick overview of the most important elements!


March 30 2023 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight

Declaring your repertoire before the annual deadline is a guarantee to receive your rights! Every year, PlayRight draws up a distribution calendar of the neighbouring rights that will be paid[…]

Which PlayRight members have already won music and film awards this year?

March 24 2023 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Belgian music and audiovisual sectors have had an exceptional start to 2023: a record number of PlayRight members have received[…]

PlayRight provides structural support to performing artists’ interest groups

March 24 2023 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight+

PlayRight+, the socio-cultural and educational branch of PlayRight, provides financial support to projects and organisations that bring a ‘plus’ to the community of performing artists. In particular, these four Belgian[…]

PlayRight launches the PlayRight+ Platform: applications will now be submitted online!

February 28 2023 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight+

PlayRight+ provides financial assistance through support for projects (annually) and/or organizations (every two years) that advance the position of the performing artist or add value to the community of performing artists

Our new tutorials guide you through the PlayRight Portal 

February 28 2023 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight

To help you declare your artistic performances correctly and answer 3 big questions when you are a PlayRight member, we have produced 3 tutorials. In them, we explain how to[…]

First distribution of 625,759.63€ for rights collected abroad

February 14 2023 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

PlayRight distributed 625,759.63€ today to our affiliate members for music and audiovisual recordings exploited abroad. What are international rights? An artist who joins PlayRight can give us a global mandate.[…]

PlayRight+ 2022 Awards: a glance at the award winners

December 14 2022 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight+

Between September and October 2022, PlayRight toured schools to reward the winners selected by the teaching teams in several schools. We present you more in detail these new talents of[…]

First distribution: Exclusive rights RTBF 1996-2020

December 14 2022 - Audiovisual PlayRight

The first distribution of exclusive rights for broadcasting on RTBF is completed! PlayRight has distributed a total of €439,095.57 in rights coming from RTBF (co-)productions broadcast on their television channels[…]


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