
What is AEPO ARTIS ?

International PlayRight PlayRight+

AEPO-ARTIS is the association of European Performers’ Organisations. It defends the interests of its members and of the right holders these members represent at (European) political and policy-making level. It[…]

1° edition of “We are music” – capacity triangle

February 8 2019 - Music PlayRight+

The “We are Music” Edition of the Capacity Triangle will take place in Brussels, in the frame of an exciting new partnership with SABAM, PlayRight+ and GALM #UnitingArtistsInMusic. The one-day event will take place[…]

Three PlayRight + prizes at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp

February 8 2019 - PlayRight+

For this first award ceremony at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp, PlayRight + will award three prizes to three students selected by the teaching teams. And the award goes to…[…]

The Challenges of SVOD (Video on demand)

January 9 2019 - Audiovisual PlayRight+

FIA (International Federation of Actors) is organizing a one-day seminar in Brussels on Thursday 25 April to talk about Online Platforms and the challenges of SVOD. Practical information will follow[…]

Administration costs & PlayRight+ deductions

PlayRight PlayRight+

These are costs and deductions deducted by PlayRight at the time of the collection. 1.Administration costs On a daily basis, PlayRight performs the necessary actions to carry out the collection,[…]

A neighbouring right for streaming?

September 11 2018 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight PlayRight+

On Monday 10th of September, the European Parliament will resume its activities. One of the points on its agenda during the first week is the much-debated Directive on Copyright in the[…]

Raising awareness on neighbouring rights

Audiovisual Music PlayRight PlayRight+

The purposes of PlayRight+ are to inform the performers about their rights

Financial support to students: The PlayRight+ awards

Audiovisual Music PlayRight+

Very grateful to those who choose music and acting as their future profession at a young age, a little help is possible for those who excel in their passion.

Financial support to projects & organisations: The Commission PlayRight

Audiovisual Music PlayRight+

PlayRight+ offers funding to organisations and projects that put the interest of performers first. We call upon such organisations and projects to send in their applications for support . We have two deadlines per year for these applications: one on March 31th and the other on 30th of September.

Educational support from PlayRight+

Audiovisual Audiovisual Music Music PlayRight+ PlayRight+

From a predominantly “physical” market and carriers for music and audiovisual work (CD, DVD, vinyl, etc.), internet has caused the broadcasting and exploitation of these works to shift towards the digital market. The regulations with regards to copyright and neighboring rights, however, have not followed.


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