At the start of the Coronavirus crisis, PlayRight set up the PlayRight+ emergency fund to financially support its affiliated performing artists. This fund has been extended every single month. Following the sustained measures taken to fight the pandemic, the fund will again be extended. This time, however, until all resources have been depleted.
In March 2020, PlayRight established the PlayRight+ emergency fund, intended to support performing artists who have been heavily affected by the measures taken to fight Covid-19. An enormous number of applications were submitted immediately, and in view of the situation, the emergency fund was extended every single month.
This month, too, the fund will be extended. But something changed! This time, PlayRight extends the emergency fund until the financial resources are depleted. What does this mean more specifically? As long as the measures are in force and as longs as financial resources are available in the fund, you, as a performing artist affiliated with PlayRight, will be able to apply for financial support.
This way, the fund aims to provide a partial compensation for the loss of your income, due to the cancellation of your activities as a performing artist in Belgium.
In addition, we would like to remind you of the conditions that have to be met to be eligible for support.
- You were affiliated with PlayRight (or have requested affiliation) on March 14th 2020 at the latest;
- You have taken part in at least three recordings. These recordings must have been declared to PlayRight before you submit a request for support (to declare your recordings, log in to your online portal);
- During the month for which you are requesting a support, one or more assignments as a performing artist in Belgium were cancelled due to COVID-19: recording projects (studio, short film, feature film, TV production, dubbing, post-synchronisation), concerts, theatre, dance – circus or variety shows. We ask you to provide proof of all cancellations;
- Between March and the month for which you request support in 2021, you are not bound to an employer by an employment contract covering at least the entire period in question, including civil servants, teachers, etc.;
- For the month for which you request a support, you do not benefit from a replacement income provided by a public authority (a pension, a full unemployment benefit or a transition allowance for the self-employed), which exceeds:
– 1.342,12€ gross/month for cohabitants with family responsibilities
– 1.099,54€ gross/month for singles
– 1.062,36€ gross/month for cohabitants without family responsibilities
You have until Sunday, March 14th at the latest to submit a request for your cancelled performances in February 2021. Only this way you’ll be able to benefit from the fund for cancellations of your performances which were to take place in Belgium in February 2021. Once your request has been submitted, it will be analysed by our team and we will contact you as soon as possible to request additional documents or information, if needed, or to inform you on the outcome of your application.