
My repertoire is broadcast abroad

Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

Your repertoire may also be protected by neighbouring rights abroad. If your recordings are broadcasted in other countries, the collecting societies in those countries will collect neighbouring rights on your behalf. They will do so regardless of whether you are affiliated to them or not.

Countries where PlayRight can collect my rights abroad

Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

To manage its members’ foreign rights, PlayRight has closed bilateral agreements with similar collecting societies in more than 50 countries.

Deadline to declare my performances

Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

Rights for a given reference year are not paid out in one go but in two stages. To ensure that you receive as many as possible of the rights you are entitled to during the first distribution round, we would advise you to declare your recordings as soon as you can.

What I can declare (and not declare)

Audiovisual Music PlayRight

Musicians, singers and conductors need to declare the following performances:

Declare my performances

Audiovisual Audiovisual Music Music PlayRight PlayRight

You can declare your recordings online and complete your repertoire via our secure portal by using the buttonĀ  PlayRight Portal.

Raising awareness on neighbouring rights

Audiovisual Music PlayRight PlayRight+

The purposes of PlayRight+ are to inform the performers about their rights

Financial support to students: The PlayRight+ awards

Audiovisual Music PlayRight+

Very grateful to those who choose music and acting as their future profession at a young age, a little help is possible for those who excel in their passion.

Financial support to projects & organisations: The Commission PlayRight

Audiovisual Music PlayRight+

PlayRight+ offers funding to organisations and projects that put the interest of performers first. We call upon such organisations and projects to send in their applications for support . We have two deadlines per year for these applications: one on March 31th and the other on 30th of September.

For which type of repertoire PlayRight can manage my rights?

Audiovisual Music PlayRight

When youjoin PlayRightas a member, you can specify for which “type” of repertoire you want PlayRight to manage your neighbouring rights:

Become a PlayRight member

Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

In order to collect your neighbouring rights, you have to become a member of PlayRight (or a collective management company abroad in charge of collecting your rights ). PlayRight membership[…]


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