
Federal compensation: first payment of €977.455 for actors and musicians

December 16 2021 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight

At the request of Economy Minister Pierre-Yves Dermagne, the Federal Parliament approved in July a law providing for compensation for authors, composers and performers for the loss of income from[…]

#18000EnEspagne / #fairpayvoorartiesten: sign the petition

December 15 2021 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight

Last October, PlayRight launched the campaign #18000EnEspagne or #Fairpayvoorartiesten. The objective: to ask the federal government to better protect the rights of performing artists for the digital dissemination of their[…]

The emergency fund has been relaunched: submit your request now

November 24 2021 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight+

Following the announcement of a return to stricter sanitary measures, many artists are once again experiencing the cancellation of events, concerts, filming and other job opportunities. PlayRight has, therefore, decided[…]

Your new portal is online!

November 17 2021 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight

Over the past months, the PlayRight team has been working hard on an update to your online portal, in order to provide you with an even better service. We organised[…]

The results of the Fund Belgian Music’s second call for projects are here!

November 9 2021 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight PlayRight+

PlayRight+ is one of the founding members of the Fund Belgian Music, the support fund for Belgian musicians that was established in 2020. In collaboration with the King Baudouin Foundation,[…]


October 28 2021 - Music PlayRight

The first distribution of music rights regarding the reference year 2020 is a fact. During this first distribution – and also the last one of this year – PlayRight paid[…]

Distribution calendar: Overview of rights to be paid to artists in 2022

October 20 2021 - Audiovisual International Music

The 2022 distribution calendar is ready: seven distributions of rights collected on the Belgian territory and abroad will be carried out in 2022, among which two final distributions: February 2022:[…]

Artists mobilise to defend their neighbouring rights online

October 12 2021 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight

Online streaming platforms dominate the way we listen to music and watch series or movies. Lockdowns and quarantines amplified this, the trend has become the norm: online platforms have witnessed[…]

Festival Artonov 2021: Supported By PlayRight

September 29 2021 - Music PlayRight+

The festival, supported by PlayRight+ through the support given to organisations and projects that bring a noticeable added value to the artistic community, will take place from October 3 in[…]

Financial support to the sector: The initiatives of PlayRight+

Audiovisual Music PlayRight PlayRight+

PlayRight+ currently also provides financial support to the sector via the following initiatives: Fund Belgian Music (Music) Fonds Norma Joossens (Audiovisual) Emergency Fund (Audiovisual & Music) FUND BELGIAN MUSIC The[…]


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