Every year we ask our affiliated artists to declare their contributions to music recordings via the online portal tool, after which we are able to manage, calculate and distribute the neighbouring rights to which they are entitled. To calculate the music rights for the Belgian territory, PlayRight uses two distribution parameters:
Based on these lists, PlayRight draws up annual playlists of music recordings arranged per reference year, available to you through the Playright Portal, which enables you to easily declare your performances.
All tracks in these playlists may generate neighbouring rights, and the main details have already been filled in by PlayRight (such as the title of the track and the main artists). This means less work for our members and guarantees complete transparency on our side. Easy, right?
Declaring your performances is simple:
Until December 31st, 2019 you can declare the following performances:
Once these deadlines have expired, PlayRight closes the rights for these reference years. Your performances continue to generate rights for the years that are still open, but not for the closed years if you did not respect the declaration deadlines.
GOOD TO KNOW: It does not matter when a track has been recorded (if it is not older than 70 years). Performances may continue to generate rights long after its first year of broadcast.
And, if you gave PlayRight a mandate to manage your rights abroad as well, we will be able to collect your rights in other countries using your declared repertoire! Nothing but benefits, in other words!