
Distribution calendar: Overview of rights to be paid to artists in 2020

November 4 2019 - Audiovisual International PlayRight

The 2020 distribution calendar is ready: nine distributions of rights collected on the Belgian territory and abroad will be carried out next year, among which two final distributions: Month 2020[…]

Memorandum of the performing artist (2019-2024)

September 15 2019 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight PlayRight+

Les 15 recommandations de ce mémorandum reposent sur 3 défis importants en matière de culture, d’emploi, d’économie et d’internationalisation :

Not a member of ADAMI, but still payments

September 9 2019 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

J’ai reçu un paiement de l’ADAMI, mais je ne suis affilié qu’à PlayRight. Est-ce possible ? C’est une question que nous recevons régulièrement chez PlayRight et la réponse est : oui, c’est possible.

Deadlines: declare your contributions by December 31, 2019

September 2 2019 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

Vous avez donc jusqu’au 31 décembre 2019 pour déclarer :
Vos prestations audiovisuelles susceptibles d’avoir été diffusées, exploitées et/ou vendues en 2013,
Vos prestations musicales susceptibles d’avoir été diffusées, exploitées et/ou vendues en 2016.

New distribution: 850.000€ of international rights for PlayRight members

August 8 2019 - International PlayRight

For the second time this year, PlayRight has distributed international neighbouring rights for music and audiovisual recordings amongst her affiliated artists. The amount of this second international distribution of 2019[…]

Workshops for PlayRight members

May 9 2019 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

As a member of PlayRight, you use your personal online portal, via which you are able to easily declare your performances, see your repertoire, make adaptations to your affiliation contract,[…]

PlayRight Workshop – 23 & 24 may 2019

March 27 2019 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

In order to get to know the representatives of our affiliated artists and to facilitate the management of their rights, PlayRight invites you to a new information session followed by[…]

PlayRight international

International PlayRight

PlayRight collects, manage and distributes the Belgian rights generated by all performers repertoire, regardless of their place of residence and in accordance with the Rome Convention. Because the Belgian repertoire[…]

What is AEPO ARTIS ?

International PlayRight PlayRight+

AEPO-ARTIS is the association of European Performers’ Organisations. It defends the interests of its members and of the right holders these members represent at (European) political and policy-making level. It[…]


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