
Political support from PlayRight

Audiovisual Audiovisual Music Music PlayRight PlayRight+ PlayRight+

PlayRight+ has done a lot of fieldwork and has followed up on the legal and political developments with regards to copyright and neighbouring rights in Belgium.


August 2 2018 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

Today PlayRight has distributed international neighbouring rights for music and audiovisual recordings among its affiliated artists. What are international rights? Any artists who affiliates himself with PlayRight, has the option[…]

On your marks… start declaring: the 2017 PlayList is online

July 9 2018 - Music Music PlayRight PlayRight

PlayRight hast just uploaded the PlayList for reference year 2017 to your portal. In order to calculate your rights in Belgium for music recordings, PlayRight uses two distribution parameters; playlists of Belgian[…]

PlayRight closes the distribution of music rights for 2014 at 7.2 million euros

May 23 2018 - Music PlayRight

PlayRight has just distributed all neighbouring rights for music recordings that were broadcast in Belgium in 2014. This distribution represents a total amount of 7.2 MILLION EUROS and permanently closes[…]

The 2018 distribution calendar is online!

January 25 2018 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

2018 deadlines: there are three references years for which you’ll have to declare your works before the 31th of December 2018: Audiovisual: declare your recordings for the references years 2011[…]


November 23 2017 - Music Music PlayRight PlayRight

PlayRight has performed a first distribution for the neighbouring rights for music recordings, for the reference year 2016.  This is a distribution of equitable remuneration, private copy and lending rights[…]

Declare your repertoire before the 31st of December 2017

October 19 2017 - Music PlayRight

In preparation for the 2018 distributions, affiliated artists must declare their repertoire before the 31st of December. Basic principles Rights are always distributed, for one or several reference years, in[…]

A PlayRight+ prize for the Jazz section of the Royal Conservatory of Brussels

October 18 2017 - Music PlayRight+

After visiting the Gent School of Arts, PXL Music and Arts2 , PlayRight+ continues its tour and made a stop at the Jazz station this Tuesday 17th of October to[…]

100.000.000 EUR paid out since 2013

October 17 2017 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

This week we hit the mark of 100 million EUR. This is the amount of rights we have distributed among our affiliated artists since 2013. Even though PlayRight has caught[…]

New : a PlayList Menu to declare your contributions in a few clicks!

October 10 2017 - Music PlayRight

As an affiliated PlayRight performer, you have an online Portal that allows you to declare your contributions, adjust your personal details or see the details of your distributed rights. See[…]


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