

March 4 2021 Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

Deadlines & the declaration of your repertoire: it’s an inseparable duo! Each year, PlayRight prepares a new distribution calendar displaying the neighbouring rights that will be paid out amongst our[…]

The Copyright directive: Reshaping the online market for musical and audiovisual content to be at the service of those who provide the service

March 2 2021 Audiovisual Music PlayRight PlayRight+

Almost two years ago, on April 17, 2019, the European Parliament voted the Copyright Directive. It was a fiercely contested directive and described by many as a victory for the[…]

About his life as an actor: Roel Vanderstukken speaks up

March 1 2021 Audiovisual Music PlayRight

Most people know him as ‘the Benny’ from the Flemish soap Familie, a character that he has been impersonating for almost ten years now. Recently he was also to be[…]

Become a PlayRight shareholder and co-decide on your rights & revenues!

February 26 2021 PlayRight

Defending your rights as a performing artist is now more important than ever. By raising your voice, you, too, can make a difference and co-decide on your rights and revenues.[…]

Federal boost for copyrights and neighbouring rights.

February 22 2021 Music PlayRight

Last week, the federal government confirmed that they are willing to release a 19.1 million envelope to compensate for the decline in copyrights and neighbouring rights. The revenues from neighbouring[…]

New (first) distribution of international neighbouring rights: 505.970€

February 17 2021 Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

The first distribution of neighbouring rights in 2021 is a fact! This distribution concerns the international neighbouring rights for music and audiovisual recordings that PlayRight has collected abroad. The amount[…]


February 2 2021 Audiovisual International Music PlayRight PlayRight+

At the start of the Coronavirus crisis, PlayRight set up the PlayRight+ emergency fund to financially support its affiliated performing artists. This fund has been extended every single month. Following[…]

Audiovisual 2010/2012: PlayRight distributes the financial benefits

December 15 2020 Audiovisual

Beginning 2020, PlayRight carried out the final distribution of neighbouring rights generated by audiovisual recordings broadcast in 2011 and/or 2012. Following this closing distribution, PlayRight can now distribute the financial[…]

🌟 PlayRight wishes you amazing holidays!

December 8 2020 PlayRight

2020 has been a tough year for everybody, and even more so for you, artists. That’s why, in 2021, PlayRight will (continue to) fight alongside you to defend your rights[…]

2020 – In the footsteps of Isha

December 7 2020 Music Music

For the Belgian rap phenomenon, Isha (34), 2020 was not a year completely lost. Despite the undoubtedly most difficult and most challenging year for the entire music scene (and, by[…]


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