
Call for applications: Join the PlayRight Board

April 26 2021 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight

The Board of Directors is the decision-making body of our management company which defines, among other things, the strategy of PlayRight. As such, the Board of Directors plays an essential[…]

Your tax form 2020 is online!

April 19 2021 - PlayRight PlayRight

The annual tax declarations are coming up! To make the declarations, you will need the tax form 281.45 for the taxation year 2021 (incomes of 2020).  PlayRight has just made[…]


March 4 2021 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

Deadlines & the declaration of your repertoire: it’s an inseparable duo! Each year, PlayRight prepares a new distribution calendar displaying the neighbouring rights that will be paid out amongst our[…]

The Copyright directive: Reshaping the online market for musical and audiovisual content to be at the service of those who provide the service

March 2 2021 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight PlayRight+

Almost two years ago, on April 17, 2019, the European Parliament voted the Copyright Directive. It was a fiercely contested directive and described by many as a victory for the[…]

About his life as an actor: Roel Vanderstukken speaks up

March 1 2021 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight

Most people know him as ‘the Benny’ from the Flemish soap Familie, a character that he has been impersonating for almost ten years now. Recently he was also to be[…]

Become a PlayRight shareholder and co-decide on your rights & revenues!

February 26 2021 - PlayRight

Defending your rights as a performing artist is now more important than ever. By raising your voice, you, too, can make a difference and co-decide on your rights and revenues.[…]

Federal boost for copyrights and neighbouring rights.

February 22 2021 - Music PlayRight

Last week, the federal government confirmed that they are willing to release a 19.1 million envelope to compensate for the decline in copyrights and neighbouring rights. The revenues from neighbouring[…]

New (first) distribution of international neighbouring rights: 505.970€

February 17 2021 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

The first distribution of neighbouring rights in 2021 is a fact! This distribution concerns the international neighbouring rights for music and audiovisual recordings that PlayRight has collected abroad. The amount[…]

General Assembly 2021

February 9 2021 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight

Every third Monday of June, PlayRight invites all of its artists shareholders to their General Assembly. Would you like to attend the next PlayRight General Assembly? The event is an[…]


February 2 2021 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight PlayRight+

At the start of the Coronavirus crisis, PlayRight set up the PlayRight+ emergency fund to financially support its affiliated performing artists. This fund has been extended every single month. Following[…]


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