
Administration costs & PlayRight+ deductions

PlayRight PlayRight+

These are costs and deductions deducted by PlayRight at the time of the collection. 1.Administration costs On a daily basis, PlayRight performs the necessary actions to carry out the collection,[…]

D6bels Music Awards 2019

October 10 2018 - Music Music PlayRight

With an impressive stage for the artists of The Federation Wallonia-Brussels, the fourth edition of the DMA’s sets the tone for the different musical genres with many different categories: “French[…]

The PlayRight team


The Executive Committee and the management, in their turn, are responsible for the day-to-day administration. The team of collaborators follows up on dossiers, executes the operational decisions and insures data processing.

Audiovisual works 2014-2015: PlayRight distributes 752.000€ of neighbouring rights

September 19 2018 - Audiovisual PlayRight

PlayRight has distributed more than 752.000 euros of rights for audiovisual recordings broadcast in Belgium in 2014 and 2015. This is a first distribution, there is still time to declare[…]

A neighbouring right for streaming?

September 11 2018 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight PlayRight+

On Monday 10th of September, the European Parliament will resume its activities. One of the points on its agenda during the first week is the much-debated Directive on Copyright in the[…]


September 5 2018 - International Music PlayRight

The term ‘performing artists’ is a very large umbrella, it does not stop at session musicians or  screen actors. Who are the members of PlayRight? Johan Hoogewijs is as a[…]

DEADLINES: declare your repertoire before the 31st of of December 2018

August 27 2018 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight

Each year, PlayRight sets a deadline to declare your repertoire and allow us to identify your performances both on Belgian playlists and abroad. The collection, management and distribution of your[…]

History & missions


PlayRight defends the interests of musicians, actors, dancers and circus and vaudeville artists.

Who can I contact ?

Music PlayRight

For declarations and/or invoices issued in 2020, please contact Unisono via the online contact form or via the following telephone number: 02 286 82 11 For declarations and/or invoices issued[…]


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