
Audiovisual works 2014-2015: PlayRight distributes 752.000€ of neighbouring rights

September 19 2018 - Audiovisual PlayRight

PlayRight has distributed more than 752.000 euros of rights for audiovisual recordings broadcast in Belgium in 2014 and 2015. This is a first distribution, there is still time to declare[…]

A neighbouring right for streaming?

September 11 2018 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight PlayRight+

On Monday 10th of September, the European Parliament will resume its activities. One of the points on its agenda during the first week is the much-debated Directive on Copyright in the[…]


September 5 2018 - International Music PlayRight

The term ‘performing artists’ is a very large umbrella, it does not stop at session musicians or  screen actors. Who are the members of PlayRight? Johan Hoogewijs is as a[…]

DEADLINES: declare your repertoire before the 31st of of December 2018

August 27 2018 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight

Each year, PlayRight sets a deadline to declare your repertoire and allow us to identify your performances both on Belgian playlists and abroad. The collection, management and distribution of your[…]

History & missions


PlayRight defends the interests of musicians, actors, dancers and circus and vaudeville artists.

Who can I contact ?

Music PlayRight

For declarations and/or invoices issued in 2020, please contact Unisono via the online contact form or via the following telephone number: 02 286 82 11 For declarations and/or invoices issued[…]

Where can I find the rates?

Music PlayRight

The payers of the equitable remuneration: businesses, restaurants, and public events where recorded music is broadcast must pay this equitable remuneration. The rates vary depending on your activity, the surface[…]

Recorded music: What do I pay exactly?

Music Music PlayRight PlayRight

The equitable remuneration is a compulsory license that must be paid when recorded music is played on a publicly accessible location. This remuneration exists for the public use of the[…]

The equitable remuneration, the main source of income for the neighbouring rights of the musicians

Music Music PlayRight PlayRight

The equitable remuneration is by far the main source of income from neighbouring rights that belong to music performers in Belgium. In figures The neighbouring rights distributed among musicians in[…]

From collection to distribution: what happens with the equitable remuneration ?

Music PlayRight

Collected by Unisono, the equitable remuneration is then paid to musicians and music producers via the collecting societies that represent them: SIMIM (producers) and PlayRight (performing artists). Specific to music,[…]


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