
PlayRight+ prizes Conservatory Antwerp 2021: 3 winners!

June 29 2021 Audiovisual Music PlayRight PlayRight+

New award ceremony of the PlayRight+ prizes 2021 at the Conservatory of Antwerp ! For the third year in a row, three deserving winners from the three different departments (Music,[…]


June 22 2021 Audiovisual Music PlayRight

On Monday June 21st, 2021, PlayRight organized its annual General Assembly for artists-shareholders. The event was entirely digitally instead of live. Through three different sessions (two Particular General Assemblies and[…]


June 9 2021 Audiovisual PlayRight

PlayRight has carried out the final distribution of rights coming from audiovisual recordings that were broadcast and/or exploited in 2014/2015. This second, final distribution follows a first distribution of 752,000€[…]

PlayRight supports worldwide Tinnitus research

June 8 2021 Music PlayRight PlayRight+

Tinnitus or ringing in the ears, it is one of the most common ear complaints worldwide, affecting about 10 to 15% of the adult population. A striking figure, and yet[…]

How satisfied are you with PlayRight? Participate in our satisfaction survey!

June 1 2021 PlayRight

Our artists are of primordial importance to PlayRight. As the collecting society responsible for collecting, managing and distributing the neighbouring rights of performing artists in Belgium, we strive to provide[…]

Compensation for the loss of copyrights and neighbouring rights confirmed by the Council of Ministers

May 21 2021 PlayRight

On Friday 7 May 2021, the Council of Ministers decided that the government will release 19.1 million euros to compensate for the loss of copyrights and neighbouring rights. As a[…]

Music 2020: the PlayList is now online

May 18 2021 Music PlayRight

PlayRight has just released the playlist for the reference year 2020. The PlayList menu allows you to save a considerable amount of time when declaring your music recordings via your[…]

MUSIC 2017: Final distribution of 7.945.427€

May 6 2021 Music PlayRight

The music rights for the reference year 2017 have been closed. After a first distribution of 2.6 million euros of neighbouring rights, PlayRight carried out a second, final distribution of[…]

Call for applications: Join the PlayRight Board

April 26 2021 Audiovisual Music PlayRight

The Board of Directors is the decision-making body of our management company which defines, among other things, the strategy of PlayRight. As such, the Board of Directors plays an essential[…]

Your tax form 2020 is online!

April 19 2021 PlayRight PlayRight

The annual tax declarations are coming up! To make the declarations, you will need the tax form 281.45 for the taxation year 2021 (incomes of 2020).  PlayRight has just made[…]


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