An overview of the organisations supported by PlayRight+

April 14 2022

In addition to supporting specific and one-off projects that meet one of our objectives, the PlayRight+ department can also provide financial support for a (renewable) period of 2 years  to and collaborate with organisations that make a positive contribution to the artistic community and ethically favour the performing artists.

As such, PlayRight+ offers structural support to various organisations that we have given a voice.

De Acteursgilde

De Acteursgilde: What they do


L’union fait la force.

De Acteursgilde is the Flemish interest group for professional actors. The areas in which you as an individual are too weak or too vulnerable to get things moving, De Acteursgilde wants to defend your social and financial interests. They primarily focus on the audiovisual sector, but they will also make their voices heard in the performing arts sector when necessary.

De Acteursgilde is a discussion partner for producers, broadcasters, trade unions and the government.

In consultations about policy, funding, wage setting, neighbouring rights, taxation, the future of our media landscape, etc., only joint action can make the difference!

De Acteursgilde wants to guarantee that difference.


You can contact De Acteursgilde for questions about allowances, rights and obligations, contracts and so on.

When the know-how is better elsewhere, they will refer you to the organisation concerned.


On the annual “Actor’s Night”, De Acteursgilde invites you to a party “united as one”.

They use this opportunity to exchange information.

In the first place, they provide an explanation of their operation and achievements of the past year.

In addition, they can give more information about delicate topics.

But above all, it remains a party: the ideal event to meet colleagues or bump into old friends, and above all, to celebrate!

union des artistes

L’Union des Artistes du Spectacle is the oldest association of performing artists in Belgium. It was founded in 1927 with the main purpose of defending the professional interests of numerous French and Belgian artists who were active in the two neighbouring countries.

Today, the Union continues its social work with artists who are often struggling, despite a life devoted to art.

The association strives to strengthen the bonds of solidarity between the many artists who perform on stage or on screen. For instance, the company carries out philanthropic and solidarity missions (by helping its members financially, legally and morally), while guarding the defense of artistic and technical professions in the music, film, audiovisual and performing arts sector.  

Recognised as a professional federation by the government of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, L’Union des Artistes du Spectacle has been working for 20 years on improving the cultural policy.

The association is composed of performing artists: musicians, singers, dancers, technicians, directors, actors, … For 95 years, it has been helping its members and providing them with a lot of benefits, always faithful to its designated purpose. A significant part of the financial support goes to the oldest artists who do not receive an adequate pension: the artist’s career is rarely constant; in too many cases his/her pension is even absurdly low.

L’Union also seeks to ensure the continuous training of its members as well as their professional diversification by regularly organising thematic courses or workshops.

Moreover, l’Union is one of the founders of UPACT (Union des professionels des arts et de la creation – worker’s division), which unites 17 professional federations in the cultural sector since 2020. For example, the association takes an active part in the ongoing discussions with the federal government on the reform of the social statute of artists – an important reform that the sector has been waiting for for more than 20 years.

Thanks to the generous financial support of PlayRight+, l’Union des Artistes will continue managing its growing membership, which has never been higher before! In addition to its usual actions, the association will also be able to increase its visibility and offer thematic and educational information sessions to its members in 2022.

Facir logo

PlayRight offered one of the first structural supports that FACIR could benefit from. This allowed us to develop our federation and to take an important place in the defense of the artists. Without PlayRight’s trust, that would never have been possible.”

  • Fabian Hidalgo, Coordinator

FACIR – pronounced fakir – is a federation by and for musicians in the Federation Wallonia-Brussels. The association is open to all music genres and unites a community of 800 musicians.

When music unites!

Musicians X Cultural sector – unequal power relations

FACIR acts as a spokesperson for musicians towards cultural, subsidising and political parties. As a legitimate representative of musicians, the association embodies a position of power that makes itself heard and defends your rights.

FACIR X Combats – values and missions tailored to the artists

In 2013, FACIR arose from the initiative of musicians who wanted to make their voices heard in the world of politics. The association strives for a greater influence of artists in the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, for a reinterpretation of the artist statute, for higher broadcasting quotas for local music and for a better remuneration for artists.

FACIR X Politics – Representation

To confirm and carry out its missions, FACIR must be present at all discussion and negotiation tables. The association is, thus, represented in strategic posts such as the Chambre des Concertations Musiques and the Conseil Supérieur de la Culture.

FACIR X Commitment – Initiatives

FACIR is one of the founders of the International Artist Organisation, which focuses in particular on copyright and neighbouring rights issues arising from streaming at European level. The association co-founded UPACT in order to defend its position on the reform of the artist statute at the federal level. With the Comité des Concertations des Métiers des Musiques Actuelles (CCMA), which unites press agents, bookers, managers, independent labels and festivals, it aims to unite the current music sector within the Federation Wallonia-Brussels. And finally, FACIR also fights for a greater representation of women in the music world, together with SCIVIAS.

FACIR X Musicians – Specialised and free services

FACIR supports you at every stage of your professional career with specific services: formations, legal assistance, personal support, administrative questions, … FACIR organizes workshops in small groups adapted to everyone’s career. In addition, the association also tries to answer specific questions from its members.

Calendar X Future activities

  • Individual legal assistance: 27 April, 31 May and 13 June
  • Workshop – Successful release of your single: 21 April
  • General Assembly: 2 June
  • Eye of the Taïga Season 2: October

Don’t wait any longer. Come join us!

#musiciensengagés #musiciennesengagées

GALM was founded in 2007 as an association representing the interests of authors and performing artists in music. The aim of the organisation: to propagate its vision to governments, policy makers and (cultural) policy bodies, media and broadcasters, (music) publishers, organisations for the collective management of copyrights or neighbouring rights of performers and all other actors in the Belgian music and audiovisual industry, as well as to the general public.

Since January 2022, GALM has been operating under its new name De Muziekgilde.

This stems from the decision to transform GALM into a professional association.

With this, the association shows that every professional artist-in-music is ‘at home’ with them: authors, composers and performing musicians; that its members are also its ‘raison d’être’; that there is no Muziekgilde without said members and that their activities are fully at the service of these same members.

As such, GALM wants to remain a partner in policy negotiations, but it also wants to be the organisation par excellence that communicates directly and promptly about changes/innovations within the cultural field. The organisation is, therefore, both a lobbyist and an information hub, and this in both directions.

The year 2022 is entirely dominated by this change and its propagation.

The new members’ activity will be fully outlined.

The programme includes crash courses, webinars and symposia around the four main themes that will be worked on this year:

  • Work and performance
  • Money and legal affairs
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Formation and development

Apart from one paid administrative employee, everyone of the day-to-day administration and the administrative body is selflessly committed to achieving the set objectives with all their hearts. But everything comes with a cost.

Thanks, in part, to the generous support of PlayRight+, GALM can realise its ideas.


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