

December 6 2016 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

In order to allow us to claim and collect our members’ rights in foreign territories: PlayRight has in place “bilateral agreements” with collecting societies in numerous countries. PlayRight members who[…]

Music 2015: first distribution of 2.4 million euros of neighbouring rights

November 25 2016 - Music PlayRight

PlayRight has just calculated the first distribution of neighbouring rights for music recordings for the reference year 2015. Specifically, this is the first distribution of equitable remuneration and lending rights[…]

Adami & Spedidam : two in one?

October 20 2016 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

Adami and Spedidam are the two collective management organisations that are appointed by the French governement to collect and distribute neighbouring rights in and outside of France.   Adami and[…]

Deadline for your declarations: 12/31/2016

September 20 2016 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight

Two final distributions in 2017 ! Next year, PlayRight will make two final distributions of neighbouring rights for: Musical recordings broadcast in 2013 Audiovisual recordings broadcast in 2010 In concrete terms?[…]

A PlayRight prize for students

July 6 2016 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight+

Made by artists, for artists: PlayRight+ believes in the future generation of actors and musicians.  We recently made visits to both the Ghent Conservatory and  PXL Music (Hasselt), where prizes were[…]


June 30 2016 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

In order to allow us to claim and collect our members’ rights in foreign territories: PlayRight has in place “bilateral agreements” with collecting societies in numerous countries. You can find[…]

PlayRight distributes 670.000€ of neighbouring rights collected from foreign territories

December 16 2015 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

PRINCIPLE – To manage its members’ foreign rights, PlayRight has closed bilateral agreements with similar collecting societies in various countries. Based on these agreements, PlayRight can collect rights in these[…]

The European Commission is looking for a fair digital market

December 9 2015 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight+

Today – December 9th 2015 – the European Commission announced its plans to modernize the European rules on copyright and neighbouring rights and to adapt them to the European Digital[…]

The last distributions of 2015

November 25 2015 - Audiovisual International Music

Last week, PlayRight finalized the calculation of neighbouring rights for musical recordings for a number of reference years: For the reference year 2014: This was the first distribution for both[…]

Reminder ! Don’t forget to complete your repertoire before December 31st, 2015 !

November 13 2015 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight

December 31st is the deadline to declare musical recordings broadcasted in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Please take into account that the office of PlayRight will be closed as from December[…]


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