
🌟 PlayRight wishes you amazing holidays!

December 8 2020 - PlayRight

2020 has been a tough year for everybody, and even more so for you, artists. That’s why, in 2021, PlayRight will (continue to) fight alongside you to defend your rights[…]

PlayRight welcomes two new members to the team!

September 24 2020 - PlayRight

We, at PlayRight, do not stand still. On the contrary, your collecting society keeps on growing, more every year! More members, more collections and distributions of rights, more PlayRight+ projects,[…]

La Belge Collection: It’s a wrap!

September 9 2020 - Audiovisual PlayRight PlayRight+

A project of four short films, conceived by the French-speaking actors couple Laura Petrone & Guillaume Kerbusch, that has the intention of letting a new generation of Belgian actors ‘have[…]

The General Assembly 2020: an overview

September 8 2020 - PlayRight

The annual General Assembly for PlayRight artists-associates looked slightly different this year. Originally planned for 15 June 2020, the Assembly was postponed to 7 September 2020 due to the Corona[…]

REMINDER: Benefit from the PlayRight+ emergency fund by submitting your request now!

September 4 2020 - Music PlayRight PlayRight+

You’ve sure known for a long time that PlayRight has set up an emergency fund for its affiliated performing artists a few months ago, and that this emergency fund has[…]

Second distribution of international rights 2020: 590.000 € for PlayRight members

August 10 2020 - Audiovisual International Music PlayRight

For the second time this year, PlayRight has carried out a distribution of international rights. We distributed no less than 590.000 euros amongst our affiliated artists! Background information: What are[…]

New final distribution of audiovisual rights 2013 of 3.045.876€!

June 9 2020 - Audiovisual PlayRight

PlayRight heeft zojuist de afsluitende verdeling uitgevoerd van rechten die voortkomen uit audiovisuele opnames die werden uitgezonden en geëxploiteerd in België in 2013! Deze afsluitende verdeling, die volgt op een eerste verdeling en vroeger plaatsvindt dan oorspronkelijk was gepland, bedraagt €3.045.876, en sluit de verdeling van naburige rechten af voor het referentiejaar 2013.

Emergency fund for artists: PlayRight extends measures

June 2 2020 - Audiovisual Music PlayRight PlayRight+

Because of the measures taken in the fight against Covid-19 and its impact on the activities of our affiliated artists, PlayRight has decided to extend the emergency fund during the[…]

Music performance: how to declare that I perform more than one instrument on a recording?

May 29 2020 - Music PlayRight

A performing artist can appear in only one role category and only once per role category: A. Main artist, person who has a contract with the producer responsible for the[…]


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