The board

PlayRight is managed by performers who, as shareholders, take an active part in the PlayRight General Assembly. The General Assembly appoints the Board of Directors which, in turn, appoints the Executive. As a result, the shareholders can help chart PlayRight’s course.

The Administrative Board is the body within PlayRight responsible for its general strategy. The administrators are chosen among the PlayRight associates who present their candidacy and are appointed by the General Assembly.

The Administrative Board consists of a Music College and a Drama and Dance College. In accordance with the by-laws the Board manages finances and approves budgets and strategic decisions.

Music college

  • Christian Martin – Chairman
  • Roland De Greef
  • Fabian Hidalgo
  • Wietse Meys
  • Michael Schack
  • Benjamin Schoos
  • Eva Schampaert
  • Jeroen Swinnen

Drama & dance college

  • Alain Van Goethem – Vice-Chairman
  • Darya Gantura
  • Giovanni Guzzo
  • Sebastian Moradiellos
  • Nicole Roegiers (Nicole Colchat)
  • Floris Devooght
  • Bernard Suin
  • Sura Dohnke
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