As an affiliated artist you have a PlayRight Portal that allows you to quickly and easily declare your repertoire and keep your file up to date.
You can delegate these tasks to a representative. How do you do that?
Simply by using the mandate form you find in your PlayRight Portal , complete it and return it to us. The person you listed on the form will become your representative.
What powers does your representative have?
Your representative will be able to submit all your repertoire-related declarations via the PlayRight Portal
Who are my neighbouring rights paid to?
Your neighbouring rights are transferred directly into the account specified in your file. We do recommend that you enter your own bank account number.
As an artist, your neighbouring rights are taxed at the favourable 15% PAYE rate. By law, PlayRight is obliged to deduct that 15% from any neighbouring rights it pays out and to pass this advance levy or withholding tax on to the Belgian State. When doing so, PlayRight is obliged to communicate the name of the artist this tax is calculated for. On that account, also the tax forms are issued in the name of the performing artist. After all, neighbouring rights are linked to the actual right holder.
Am I kept up to date too? Can I also check my own file?
When you provide PlayRight with your e-mail address at the time of joining, we will e-mail you your login details for your online file. Once you have your login details you will be able to check your file online at any time. If you didn’t give us a personal e-mail address, you can always ask the account manager who looks after your file for the information or ask for access to your online file.
The PlayRight regulations also provide that all PlayRight communications must be transmitted to both the members and their representatives. In other words, you are automatically kept up to speed on everything that happens, provided we have your personal contact details of course.
Is my representative entitled to represent me at the General Assembly if I am a shareholder?
Our regulations stipulate that PlayRight shareholders (or their heirs) only can take part in the General Assembly. If you are a shareholder and are unable to attend the General Assembly you can always ask another shareholder who will attend the meeting to represent you, provided you have given him/her a power of attorney.
What if I no longer want my representative to act on my behalf?
Representatives can be revoked at any time; all you need to do is to notify us to that effect by e-mail or by post. Your revocation will take immediate effect unless you give us a specific date.
You will receive confirmation of the resignation as soon as it has been registered. The person you appointed as proxy will also be notified that his/her proxy has been revoked.