How to become a PlayRight shareholder?

Artists can choose between two statuses:

Ordinary member/ affiliate

if you opt for this particular status, PlayRight will collect and pay the neighbouring rights ensuing from the use of your recording. This membership is free. 


As a shareholder you receive the exact same service as an ordinary member but you can also play an active part in the decision-making process within PlayRight.  As a shareholder, you can :

  • Take part of the General Assembly where you can make your voice heard,
  • Vote on any resolutions to amend the General Regulations and the Bylaws,
  • Have a say in the appointment of the directors of the group you form part of (Music or Dramatic Arts and Dance, depending on your main activity),
  • Apply to become a director of that group.

To become a shareholder, you must meet the following conditions:

  • You must have taken part in at least three recordings that generate neighbouring rights according to the law,
  • You must have signed the affiliation contract,
  • You must have paid the one-off sum of € 49.57 to acquire a PlayRight share.

Request to become a Shareholder:

You can make your request via the PlayRight portal, click on the “Personal data” menu and “Shareholder” tab to access the application form.

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